Monday, 15 December 2008

Art Horn

Meteorologist Art Horn, currently operating The ‘Art' Of the Weather business

The list cites nothing, and that's the shortest introduction so far. Horn has actually written to the EPW according to the list.

But here's some more info:
and he has a website:

On his FAQ page he has a topic "Is Global Warming For Real? Click here for the answer"

There's also a news article interviewing him here where he talks about global warming:

Arguments condensed


When I found the news article and started reading it I wondered why The List hadn't cited it, as it cites many news articles for other names. My guess is because at the end of the article Horn's arguments are firmly tackled by climate scientists Dr Bill Chameides and Dr Brenda Ekwurzel:

"Ekwurzel or Chameides both discounted Horn's claim that only three percent of carbon emmisions are man-made.
"The claims are common if you haven't been trained in climate science," said Ekwurzel. "He's looking at the composition of the atmosphere and drawing conclusions without understanding all the various properties of water vapor versus carbon dioxide and so on."


"A self-described political moderate, Horn said he first conceived of the global warming presentation to engage with the popular topic of climate change, and he started from the premise that global warming didn't exist."

"Horn said that he wasn't alone in his beliefs about global warming, citing Web sites such as and"

"In addition, Horn says, only about three percent of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is man-made. The amount of man-made carbon in the atmosphere, Horn says, composes less than a tenth of the total atmosphere. According to Horn, such a small percentage couldn't possibly have an effect on global climate."


  • From the article we learn that Horn has a BSc in meteorology.


  1. Have you extracted the names to a single list in text/xls/other format? That would be a useful thing to share if you have ... thanks

  2. Hi, yes I've posted an alphabetical list of them in a new entry. Unfortunately I don't have corresponding info on each name like their qualifications, etc. I don't quite trust the EPW blog to get that right.

  3. Thanks for that - it saves your fellow debunkers some effort :-)

    I will spread the word as best I can.
