Wednesday, 17 December 2008

The names on the 650 list

From the 650 list, ordered alphabetically with duplicates removed. A few names might be missing due to error in extraction. There are 673 names in the list below.

The names were taken from the 650 list full report PDF linked to from this page:

Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov
Tom Addiscott
Alexandre Amaral de Aguiar
Dr. Jarl R. Ahlbeck
Dr. Arun D. Ahluwalia
Don Aitkin
Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu
Dr. Glatzle Albrecht
David Aldrich
Kjell Aleklett
Dr. William J.R. Alexander
Dr. Claude Allegre
Chris Allen
Noor van Andel
Dr. Bjarne Andresen
David Archibald
Dr. Scott Armstrong
José Ramón Arévalo
Dr. Ritesh Arya
Bob Ashworth
Augie Auer
Geoff L. Austin
Dennis Avery
Dr. Herbert Backhaus
Donald G. Baker
John W. Bales
Dr. Sallie Baliunas
Dr. Timothy Ball
Gregory J. Balle
Allen Barr
Dr Jack Barrett
Don Barron
Romuald Bartnik
Colin Barton
Vladimir Bashkirtsev
Steve Baskerville
Joe Bastardi
Matthew Bastardi
Dr. Franco Battaglia
Ernst-Georg Beck
Hubert Becker
Gary S. Becker
Paul G. Becker
Larry Bell
Dr. David Bellamy
Greg Benson
Dieter Ber
Dr. Paul Berenson
Rikard Bergsten
Justin Berk
Sally Bernier
Andre Bernier
M.I. Bhat
Lord Lawson of Blaby
Dr. John Blethen
Dr. Edward F Blick
Peter Bloemers
Martin Bock
Dr Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen
Karl Bohnak
Frederick Bopp
Bruce Borders
Chris C. Borel
Dr. Norman Borlaug
Brigitte Bossert
Paul Bossert
Daniel Botkin
Dr. Donald J. Boudreaux
Dr. R. W. Bradnock
Bob Breck
Dr. Pal Brekke
Dr. William M. Briggs
Dr. John Brignell
Frank Britton
John Brodie
Adriaan Broere
James Brooks
Dr. John W. Brosnahan
Georgia D. Brown
Stephen Brown
Atholl Sutherland Brown
Harold Brown
Dr. Reid Bryson
James Buckee
Gerd Burger
Donald S. Burke
Dr. Tony Burns
Nigel Calder
Mark Cantley
Patrick Carroll
Dan Carruthers
Dr. Bob Carter
John L. Casey
Dr. Christopher L. Castro
Dr. Randy Cerveny
Kent A. Chambers
Dr. Phil Chapman
Dr. George Chilingar
Tom Chisholm
Dr. John Christy
Dr. Petr Chylek
Jim Clark
Dr. Ian D. Clark
Roy Clark
James Clarke
Donald Clauson
Charles Clough
Michael Clover
Michael Coffman
Dr. Roger W. Cohen
John Coleman
Dr. W.J. "Bill" Collins
Rosa Compagnucci
Dennis Compayre
Martin Coniglio,
Joseph Conklin
James Cook
Dr. Paul Copper
Piers Corbyn
Dr. Paulo N. Correa
Allan Cortese
Larry Cosgrove
Dr. William R. Cotton
Vincent Courtillot
Dr. Richard S. Courtney
James Cripwell
Dr. Susan Crockford
Dr. Matthew Cronin
Dr. Claude Culross
Walter Cunningham
Tim Curtin
Dalcio K. Dacol
Grant Dade
Dave Dahl
Dr. Peter Dailey
Joseph D'Aleo
Dr. Robert E. Davis
Luc Debontridder
Dr. Fred W. Decker
Robert DeFayette
James DeMeo
Dr. David Deming
Roger Dewhurst
Peter Dietze
David Dilley
Jack Dini
Dr. William DiPuccio
Delgado Domingos
Dr. Art V. Douglas
Dr. David Douglass
James F. Drake
M.K. Dubey
Dr. Donald DuBois
Geoffrey G. Duffy
Jonathan DuHamel
Bernard J. Dunn
Robert Durrenberger
Dr. Denis Dutton
Dr. Freeman Dyson
Dr. Don J. Easterbrook
Klaus-pulse Eckart
Dr. Michael J. Economides
Gunter Ederer
Bob Edleman
Alexander G. Egorov
Dr. Theo Eichten
Werner Vermess Eisenkopf
Robert Ellison
Dr. Hugh W. Ellsaesser
Lance Endersbee
Ferdinand Engelbeen
Per Engene
Gary England
Hans Erren
Dr. Robert H. Essenhigh
Dr. Christopher Essex
Dr. John R Etherington
Bill Evans
Dr. David Evans
William Evans
Dr. Cal Evans
Ray Evans
Dr. John T. Everett
Mike Fairbourne
Donald W. Farley
Dr. Michael F. Farona
Jesse Ferrell
Eduardo Ferreyra
Dr. Wilson Flood
Frederic Fluteau
Viv Forbes
Robert Jacomb Foster
Louis Fowler
Dr. Michael R. Fox
Dr. Patrick Frank
Dr. Neil Frank
Stewart Franks
Dr. Oliver W. Frauenfeld
Dr. Chris de Freitas
Dr. Peter Friedman
Dr. Eigil Friis-Christensen
Ivan Frolov
Brian Fuchs
Gordon Fulks
Mick Fuller
Dr. Serge Galam
Maureen T. Gallagher
Edgar Gardeners
R. W. Gauldie
Dr. David Gee
Bas van Geel
Dr. Lee C. Gerhard
Dr. Gerhard Gerlich
Ivar Giaever
Dr. Robert Giegengack
Tony Gilland
Dr. Jeffrey A. Glassman
Grob Glienicke
Dick Goddard
Indur M Goklany
Fred Goldberg
Stanley B. Goldenberg
Victor Goldschmidt
Dr. Mel Goldstein
Sergei Golubchikov
Guillermo Gonzalez
Wayne Goodfellow
Jim Goodridge
Harry A. Gordon
Dr. Laurence I. Gould
Brian van de Graaff
William K. Graham
Dr. David A. Gray
Gary O. Gray
Dr. William Gray
Thomas B. Gray
Dr. Vincent Gray
Dr. Kenneth P. Green
Dr. Howard Greyber
Dr. Michael Griffin
Dr. Hauck Guenther
Guido Guidi
Alois Haas
Eugenio Hackbart
Dr. Keith D. Hage
Robert W. Hahn
Jeff Halblaub
Morten Hald
Michael Hammer
James Hammond
Charles Hammons
Cliff Harris
Dr. Peter Harris
Tom Harris
Dirck T. Hartmann
Dr. Jon Hartzler
Dr. Howard Hayden
Ross Hays
Dr. Detlef Hebert
Wilfried Heck
Dr. Klaus P. Heiss
Branford Helgo
Dr Peter Heller
David Henderson
Marc Hendrickx
Flick Hendrikje
Dr. Ben Herman
Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera
Dr. Martin Hertzberg
Hug Hienz
Dr. Robert Higgs
Ted Hinds
Louis A.G. Hissink
Wayne Hocking
Rainer Hoffman
Heinz Hofman
Ferdinand Furst zu Hohenlohe-Bartenstein
David Holland
Dr. Dennis Hollars
Art Horn
Dr. Ludecke Horst-Joachim
Douglas V. Hoyt
Warwick Hughes
Ole Humlum
William Hunt
Steve Hynek
Dr. Sherwood Idso
Keith Idso
Dr. Craig Idso
Arthur T. "Terry" Safford III
Andrei Illarionov
Dr. Olafur Ingolfsson
Dr. Kiminori Itoh
Yury Izrael
Barrie Jackson
Albert F. Jacobs
Craig James
Dr. Zbigniew Jaworowski
Jon Jenkins
Dr. Dennis Jensen
Terrell Johnson
Daniel P. Johnson
Wm. Robert Johnston
Raymond J. Jones
Hub Jongen
John Lott, Jr.
Norm Kalmanovitch
Andrei Kapitsa
Bill Kappel
Al Kaprielian
Dr. Wibjorn Karlen
Dr. Joel M. Kauffman
Dr. David Kear
Dr. Geoffrey Kearsley
Dr. Richard Keen
Douglas J. Keenan
Harald Kehl
Dr. Aynsley Kellow
Dr. Kelvin Kemm
John Kettley
Dr. Madhav Khandekar
William R. Kininmonth
Jasper Kirkby
Dr. Arnold Kling
Paul C. Knappenberger
Paul Knight
Dr. Wuntke Knut
Dr. James P. Koermer
Tom Kondis
Dr. G. Cornelis van Kooten
Jan J.H. Kop
Bill Korbel
R.W.J. Kouffeld
Roderick W. Van Koughnet
Dieter Kramer
Dr. Gerhard Kramm
Dr. Albert Krause
Olavi Kärner
Salomon Kroonenberg
Dr. George Kukla
Dr. Takeda Kunihiko
Ray Kurzweil
Olav M. Kvalheim
Dr. A.T.J. de Laat
Dr. Hans H.J. Labohm
Dr. Christopher W. Landsea
Dr. Willem de Lange
Rune B. Larsen
Michael Laughton
Dr. Thomas Lavin
Dr. Douglas Leahey
Peter R. Leavitt
Dr. David R. Legates
Jay Lehr
Dr. Christoph Leinb
Kevin Lemanowicz
Arthur E. Lemay
Nikolaus Lentz
Dr. Marcel Leroux
G. Lesins
Bryan Leyland
Edward Liebsch
Michael Limburg
William Lindqvist
Dr. Richard Lindzen
Dr Gerrit van der Lingen
Peter Link
Endel Lippmaa
Al Lipson
Martin Livermore
Dr. Philip Lloyd
Dr. Gerhard Lobert
Dr. Keith Lockitch
Dr. Craig Loehle
Justin Loew
Dr. Bjorn Lomborg
A.J. Tom van Loon
John Loufman
Jonathan Lowe
Dr. Anthony Lupo
Dr. Richard Mackey
Allan M.R. MacRae
Horst Malberg
Björn Malmgren
Augusto Mangini
Dr. Francis T. Manns
Dr. Oliver K. Manuel
Rob Marciano
Ronald C. Marks
Dr. Jennifer Marohasy
Peter Martin
James A. Marusek
Nigel Marven
Galina Mashnich
Prof. Francis Massen
Dr. Paul Matthews
Dr. John Maunder
William F. McClenney
Mike McConnell
Les McDonald
Tom McElmurry
Dr. Alister McFarquhar
Peter McGurk
Stephen McIntyre
Dr. Ross McKitrick
John McLean
Ian McQueen
Dr. Owen McShane
Bill Meck
Jean Meeus
Rob Meleon
Rob Melon
Dr. D. Bruce Merrifield
Amos Meyer
Dr. Patrick J. Michaels
Dr. Fred Michel
Adam Mickiewicz
Dr. Daniel W. Miles
Frank Milne
Dr. Ferenc Miskolczi
Dr. Asmunn Moene
Alan Moghissi
H. Michael Mogil
Michael Monce
Lord Christopher Monckton
Des Moore
Dr. Thomas Gale Moore
Sir Patrick Moore
Alan Moran
Dr. Dick Morgan
Dr./Cdr. M. R. Morgan
Dr. Nils-Axel Morner
Dr. Lubos Motl
Richard Mourdock
R. John Muench
Vincent U. Muirhead
Jan Mulderink
Dr. Tad Murty
Michael J. Myers
Dr. Nasif Nahle
Robert Neff
Dr. Muriel Newman
Dr. John Nicol
David F. Noble
Gary Novak
Mr. David Nowell
Dr. James O'Brien
Peter R Odell
Peter Oliver
Dr. Cliff Ollier
Dr. Perry Ong
David Orrell
Curtis Osgood,
Nikolai Osokin
Jim Ott
David Packham
Dr. Norman J. Page
Dr. Nathan Paldor
Morgan Palmer
Dr. Garth W. Paltridge
Dan Pangburn
Mark Paquette
Donald Parkes
Arthur M. Patterson
Dr. R. Timothy Patterson
Dr. Theodore G. Pavlopoulos
Benjamin D. Pearson
James A. Peden
Dr. Benny Peiser
Dr. Al Pekarek
Dr. Hans Penner
Dr. Robert A. Perkins
Charles Perry
Dr. Ian Plimer
Victor Pochat
Boylan Point
Daniel Joseph Pounder
Patrick Powell
Brian R. Pratt
Dr. Harry N.A. Priem
Gwyn Prins
Dr. Andreas Prokoph
Dr. Tom Quirk
Ed Rademacher
Dr. Art Raiche
VK Raina
Dr. Denis G. Rancourt
Steve Rayner
Bernie Rayno
Josef Reichholf
William E. Reifsnyder
George A. Reilly
Dr. George Reisman
Dr. Paul Reiter
Henriques Renato
Dr. Peter Ridd
Rolf Riehm
Thomas Ring
J.A.L. Robertson
Colin Robinson
Dr. Art Robinson
Dr. Alex Robson
Colonel F.P.M. Rombouts
Robert G. Roper
Dr. Arthur Rorsch
Dr. Robert Rose
Curt Rose
Robert Roseman
Dr. Hugh Ross
Dr. Kenneth Rundt
Gabriel Salas
Michael R. Salazar
Daryl Sas
Nichola Scafetta
Rob Scagel
Jeffrey P. Schaffer
Henk Schalke
Clive Schaupmeyer
Tom Scheffelin
Jerome J. Schmitt
Jack Schmitt
Dr. David W. Schnare
Dr. Chris Schoneveld
Hans Schreuder
Olaf Schuiling
Joel Schwartz
Bruce Schwoegler
Peter Sciaky
Mark Scirto
Dr. Tom V. Segalstad
Dr. Frederick Seitz
Milos Setek
Marcel Severijnen
John Shade
Dr. Vladimir Shaidurov
Dr. Gary D. Sharp
Dr. Nir Shaviv
Glen Shaw
Dr. Thomas P. Sheahen
Clinton H. Sheehan
Vedat Shehu
Richard F. Shepherd
Gary Shore
C. Robert Shoup
Topper Shutt
Alan Siddons
Paavo Siitam
Hardin Simmons
Dr. Joanne Simpson
Dr. S. Fred Singer
Dr. Rainer Six
Hajo Smit
Dr. Ron Smith
Lenny Smith
Dr. Robert Smith
Dr. G LeBlanc Smith
Dr. L. Graham Smith
George E. Smith
Dr. Joe Sobel
Dr. Willie Soon
Dr. Oleg Sorochtin
Douglas Southgate
James Spann
Glenn Speck
Dr. Roy W. Spencer
Karl Spring
Dr. Jim Sprott
Dr. Roger Pielke, Sr.
Dr. Walter Starck
Bill Steffen
Herb Stevens
Leighton Steward
Don Stewart
Dr. Peter Stilbs
Dr David Stockwell
Dr. Hans von Storch
Dr. Alex Storrs
Philip Stott
Arlin Super
Brian Sussman
Brad Sussman
John K. Sutherland
Dr. Henrik Svensmark
Dr. Gordon E. Swaters
Wojciech J. Szalecki
John Takeuchi
Dr. Elwynn Taylor
George Taylor
Dr. Mitchell Taylor
Malcolm Taylor
Uwe Tempel
Dr. Hendrik Tennekes
Heinze Thieme
Sherwood Thoele
Dick Thoenes
Mike Thompson
Tim Thornton
Dr. Wolfgang P. Thuene
Alan Titchmarch
Dr. Richard Tol
Dr. Eduardo Tonni
Anthony Trewavas
Göran Tullberg
Anton Uriarte
Dr. Brian G. Valentine
Dr. Jan Veizer
Frank Wachowski
Dr. Chris Walcek
George Waldenberger
Gösta Walin
Len Walker
Haydon Walker
Dr. James Wanliss
Dr. Fred Ward
Dr. Kevin Warwick
Kenneth E. F. Watt
Anthony Watts
Dr. Charles Wax
Dr. Gerd-Rainer Weber
Dan Webster
Jack Wedel
James Weeg
Dr. Edward J. Wegman
Rich Weiss
Dr. William L. Wells
Dr. Bruce West
Dr. David Whitehouse
Chuck F. Wiese
William Wilkinson
Stephan Wilksch
John Williams
Kevin Williams
Dr. Richard C. Willson
Dr. Ian Wilson
Dr. Terry Wimberley
Dr. Duncan Wingham
Dr. Boris Winterhalter
Bruno Wiskel
Sylvan H. Wittwer
Dr. David Wojick
Dr. Frederick Wolf
Jan Pieter van Wolfswinkel
Robert Woock
Arnold Woodruff
James Woudhuysen
Raphael Wust
Tom Wysmuller
Sun Xian
Chris Yakymyshyn
Dr. Lynwood Yarbrough
Roger Young
Dr. Gregory Young
William R. Young
Yury Zaitsev
Josef Zboril
Lev Zeleny
Dr. Miklós Zágoni
Lin Zhen-Shan
Dr. Antonio Zichichi
Raphael Wust Zichichi
Stan Zlochen
Dr. Jeff Zweerink


  1. Don't know if you caught my little profile of R.L. Casey here

  2. For Justin Berk, see here. He's a TV met with a B.S. from Cornell. He also hangs out on right-wing newspaper sites (Examiner) and bought a weekly time slot on right-wing squawk radio (WCBM) to flog the anti-AGW story. His attitude invites the obvious name rhyme. Although he can talk a good game, his writing indicates he has never heard of grammar or even spell-check.
    Does that make him a climate scientist?
    You be the judge.

  3. I'm planning to make a spreadsheet summarizing everything in Morano from page 9 through to page 207 for ease of analysis; thought I should announce this here so there isn't excessive duplication of effort.

  4. You have more on the list here:

  5. Thanks, I am currently adding these suggestions.

    Mitchell: I am only going to table the names and the arguments on the list. I am not going to list their credentials or publishing history. So what I am doing is limited and there's a good chance we won't duplicate much work, in any case feel free to take anything from here to save time.

  6. Regarding your overall count of the scientists, ( ) it is mostly correct, but you made at least one critical error which shows a lack of thoroughness on your part. You included several scientists in your overall count as “skeptical” who were very clearly noted to be “non-skeptics.”

    You included scientists: Frappier, Patzert, Pilkey, etc. in your total count. But alas, these scientists all appear in a separate category in the report titled:

    “The following scientists may not be referred to as "skeptical" but they make very important and noteworthy points: (Note: The below scientists are not included in total tally of skeptical scientists)”

    Please pay more attention to detail.

    But at least you are light years ahead of Tim Lambert's embarrassing rants at Deltoid blog. Lambert, the “computer scientist” fails basic arithmetic. The poor hapless math challenged Lambert has now claimed twice that the Senate report of 650 plus scientist actually included only 604 scientists!
    ( )

    Lambert even linked to your blog noting well over 650 scientists in one of his blog entries claiming there was only 604 scientists! Perhaps when Lambert figures out how to do simple addition, he may be able to improve his ability to run a smear blog more effectively.

    Marc Morano
    Communications Director
    EPW Minority

  7. "ability to run a smear blog"

    You're the acknowledged expert at that.

  8. I removed those names.

    "mostly correct" is enough for me. Can't be bothered to spend twice the time just to make it 1% more accurate if you know what I mean. Got to weigh up the whole gain/loss/what is the friggin point deal. The 3 swede scientists are staying though, imo they are on the list.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I've been working on a list of real climate scientists, ranked by most highly cited.

    I'm over 1800 names now, including all 619 from IPCC AR4 working group 1. I have NOT added all the 604/650 names from Morano's list, nor the 1700 names on the Union of Concerned Scientists' 2008 statement in favor of prompt action on GHG reductions. (I do have a file of the UCS list extracted and formatted as Lastname, Firstname for sorting and cross-checking.)

    Lately I've been tracing who signed any of nine public declarations - five from skeptics (Manhattan Declaration, Dec. 2007 open letter to Ban Ki-Moon, etc.) and four from climate activists (UCS 2008 letter, 2007 Bali Climate Declaration, "State of Climate Science" from 2003, and a Canadian letter), plus the names of the ten RealClimate authors, and the 16 people interviewed in the film "The Great Global Warming Swindle." There's more details on the declarations linked on my site here:

    My blogspot blog "Green Herring" discusses what I've been finding as I work on this:

    In a nutshell: a bit under 5% of those with publication and citation have declared their "skeptical" stance by endorsing one of the five skeptics' public appeals. These are skewed toward the low end of the citation rankings.
    Among the upper half of published and cited authors I've found, signers of activist appeals outnumber signers of skeptic appeals some six to one.

    Some of the skeptics on Morano's list have made it onto my list by their having signed one of these appeals. I find that criterion more objective than whether they've been included on Morano's list, which suffers from inclusion both of some non-skeptics and of those with no published work in any remotely related field.

    I doubt I'll ever finish gathering citation stats on everyone put forward on any list ever - that's too much manual labour (Google Scholar blocks automated searches under their terms of use.) Neither the Morano 6xx nor the UCS 1700 are up for immediate processing - I'm doing this in my spare time after all.

  11. I just checked Bob's copy of the list against my longer list and found some 111 of his names are already in my table. I have not yet begun annotating my table for an author's presence in the Inhofe663 (are we supposed to be skipping certain of these as not claimed to be skeptics, just "interesting quotes [mined]"?

  12. Rob Meleon
    Rob Melon

    are the same person

    Prof. Dr. R.H. Meloen
    Biomolecular Recognition, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

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